
How to Install Gentoo and Turn Your PS4 into a Emulation Station

🎥small video about gentoo Link🎥

✏️ Intro:

If Your System Firmware is 5.05, you already know that you have the luck to use a Kernel Exploit which gives you the ability to run a Linux Distribution. The principle is the same as Fedora for firmware 1.76, you need to copy the image file to a USB stick or hard drive. You can use the tools “RUFUS” (GUI) in Windows, Etcher for MacOSx or DD under Linux, After installation, you can enlarge the Linux partition with Gparted in Gentoo, for example if you have installed it on an SSD or HDD on the USB 3.0 port.

My Models CUH-1006A and CUH-7016B

greez mircoho 🇨🇭 have fun ;)

💾 Prerequisites

💻 How to under Windows




Go under Systemsettings / Display and Monitor / Compositor and change the setting from VSYNC from Never to Automatic!

Webkit Info Payloads

(update: 20.01.20 add linux loader for baikal)


Linux USB - for this payload you need a USB Stick for Boot into Rescue / Shell


psxIta (this loader is for psxita)

Internal Loader

📍 Info

Partition:1 FAT32 (initramfs/bzImage) Partition:2 ext4 (ps4gentoo)

-PS4 HDD Mount mkdir /mnt/ps4hdd cryptsetup -d /ps4hdd.bin --cipher=aes-xts-plain64 -s 256 --offset=0 create enc /dev/sda27 mount -rw -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 /dev/mapper/enc /mnt/ps4hdd

-change portage mirror in /etc/portage/make.conf with root nano /etc/portage/make.conf https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/mirrors

-VirtualManger KVM you need to run libvirtd with root before you can use systemctl start libvirtd or systemctl enable libvirtd

VR User. Register the PSVR in SteamVR (after install SteamVR) command with user rights /home/ps4/PSVR/SteamVR-OpenHMD/./register.sh

🛠 What works / what doesn’t:

- Ethernet : works
- Wi-Fi : works
- Bluetooth : works
- Internal HDD: works 
- Audio : works
- GPU : works
- GPU acceleration : works (via mesa), with Vulkan
- Power button : works
- BD Drive : works
- USB : works 
- Power management / Suspend : suspend doesnt work shutdown and reboot : works

- Ethernet : works
- Wi-Fi : works
- Bluetooth : works
- Internal HDD: works (only Beikal) 
- Audio : works
- GPU : Works but Blackscreen problem with some Monitors / TVs 
- GPU acceleration : works (via mesa), with Vulkan 
- Power button : works
- BD Drive : works
- USB : works for some Model
- Power management / Suspend : suspend doesn`t work, shutdown and reboot : works

CUH70XX  PS4 Pro
- Ethernet : works
- Wi-Fi : works 
- Bluetooth : works
- Internal HDD: WIP 
- Audio : works
- GPU : works but Blackscreen problem with some Monitors / TVs
- GPU acceleration : works (via mesa), with Vulkan
- Power button : works
- BD Drive : works
- Power management / Suspend : suspend doesn`t work, shutdown and reboot : works

📦 Changelog

🛠 Installed Apps

**coming in next release

🌡 Bugs

☎️ for more Support Join us

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Linux Kernel: Link Linux Loader: Link Linux Video Driver for gentoo: Link (thanks marcan)

Credits & Thanks ❤️❤️

❤️Masterzorag & EEEply❤️

Last Steps««««< VIDEO

Image Image